
  1. Lean Development Principles

    I just finished reading The Lean Startup, an immersive, ground-breaking take on entrepreneurship and startup management, with views heavily rooted in the Toyota …

    4m 0
  2. Upgraded Asset Management

    Recently, I’ve updated the documentation for assetify, and grunt-assetify. I wanted to share the usage patterns as well as my reasons for developing, and …

    15m 2
  3. Teach Yourself Node.js in 10 Steps

    I’m not sure anyone needs convincing that Node.js is freaking awesome, little has been said otherwise. Many of the people reading this blog are already …

    23m 3
  4. Modularizing Node Applications with Express

    I’ve spent a few articles talking about build processes; now I want to spend a few words on application architecture, particularly in Node.JS web applications …

    7m 3
  5. Getting Over jQuery

    We’ve looked at doing some of the things that you can do in native code. So far, we’ve covered AJAX, event handling, event delegation, DOM querying, and …

    22m 6
  6. Tech News Reading Hints

    The King is Dead, Long Live the King.

    Google Reader died last night. I wanted to make a brief blog post to help you rebuild (or even build from scratch) your news reading …

    4m 0