I’m Building Stompflow!

Hey there! Today I have exciting news to share. We’ve recently started developing a prototype for a project management service called Stompflow, and it has a transparent process that allows everyone to get involved. Keep reading to learn more!

A couple of weeks ago I’ve started putting together Stompflow (although the name only came to life two days ago!), and it has a blog up. The blog is actually a fork of ponyfoo/ponyfoo, where the styles match the product we’re building, but other than that the platform is basically the same as this one.

I’m really excited about this, and I’d appreciate it if you were able to contribute your thoughts and feedback.

We’re being transparent about Stompflow’s development, planning on creating bite-sized blog posts at least twice a week, letting you know what the direction we’re taking is, and hoping that you’ll be able to share your opinions.

If you’re interested, you can start by reading our first blog post, following us on Twitter at @stompflow, skimming through our GitHub organization (although there isn’t much there yet!), or signing up to the launch mailing list!

I vow not to publish any more non-technical blog posts about Stompflow on this blog in the future!
