Email Sending Done Right

A week ago I wrote about a few goals I’ve set for myself in 2014. In particular, I alluded to writing code that’s more modular than what I’ve been writing so far:

In the future, I’ll abstain from tightly coupling major pieces of functionality together, and instead force myself to write reusable components which are well documented.

The blog repository grew in size considerably while I was actively developing it, but it became clear after a few months that some of the design decisions I had made were wrong, such as not doing any server-side rendering at all. I’ve set out to revamp the platform, and in doing so, I started to extract modules from the core repository.

One such piece is the emailing functionality. In this article I’ll examine the design decisions behind campaign, the comprehensive email library I extracted from Pony Foo, and detail what sets it apart from existing emailing packages.

Spoiler: it’s modularity.

Sending emails often involves tons of overhead, you usually want to set up a few different things.

There already are popular solutions that deal with some of these things. For example, Nodemailer deals with the email sending part, but it doesn’t provide any easy to find examples of how to deal with a transactional API such as Postmark or Mandrill.

Then there’s node-email-templates, which deals with templating, but is really opinionated about it. You are to use ejs, you need to keep your templates in a directory, they need to be in such-and-such folder structure. Utter non-sense. The funniest part is that the library doesn’t really do a lot, other than complicate your templating process and providing a few layouts for you to copy and paste.

Enter campaign


When building out the project the first time around, I wrote a bunch of logic to be able to deal with email sending easily. I used Mandrill for a simple transactional email API, Mustache allowed me to write the templates, and I spent a lot of time fiddling with MailChimp’s responsive email templates, getting the layout just right. I also spent time dealing with embedded images, unsubcribe links, and Mandrill’s merge tags, used to customize emails sent to a lot of people at once.

I spent some time improving the API so that it wouldn’t be all over the place, making it easy to interact with while keeping the layout, the views, and the models completely separated. This is what it looks like:


Now, I’ve extracted the logic from Pony Foo’s codebase, refactoring the code as I went, simplified the API, and made it extensible. You’re now able to:

Want to read some code?

var campaign = require('campaign');
var client = campaign({
    provider: campaign.providers.terminal()
var template = '

Your password reset key is: {{reset}}

'; var model = { to: '', subject: 'Password Reset', reset: 'q12jFbwJsCKm' }; client.sendString(template, model, done); function done () { console.log('Done.'); }

The above will compile the template with Mustache, using the model we’ve provided, and “send” that email using the terminal transport, which doesn’t really send emails, it just prints the JSON on your terminal.


I’m pretty happy with how the code extraction turned out, and I hope to be able to deliver more focused libraries like this one in the future. Go read the documentation, I spent a lot of time writing that thing!
