Immutable Deployments and Packer

A correcter title for this series would be something along the lines of “Automating autoscaled zero-downtime immutable deployments using plain old bash, Packer, nginx, Node.js, and AWS”, but that would’ve been kind of long (although it does fit on a tweet). My last article on the subject was two years ago, when I wrote about Deploying Node apps to AWS using Grunt. Here’s a long overdue update, containing everything I’ve learned about deployments in the time since then.

This detailed article series aims to explain:

In this article I’ll start by explaining why doing any of this matters, and then move on to creating immutable images ready for deployment using Packer.


The process I described years ago is notoriously dated. It doesn’t handle autoscaling, immutability, or unobtrusive deployments. Given that the process isn’t immutable, it takes a long time between the moment you decide to launch an instance and the moment it becomes able to start serving responses.

That being said, most people (at least most of those who don’t rely on a PaaS provider to handle their deployments on a git push) use some sort of mutable deployment script, often believing it really is a better strategy than immutable deployments.

I decided to revisit the topic because I’ve come across the need to design a robust deployment process that scales well for a project I’m working on, and I naturally came back to what I originally had. Back when I redesigned Pony Foo, I redid grunt-ec2 using just Bash. It definitely has made it easier on the DevOps side of things, but it was still as mutable as ever.

Why stop using something that works?

There were quite a few problems with the approach I was taking. To name a few:

In contrast, I now have more serious requirements than simply running a blog (which hardly gets updated, too). I wanted the system to be able to make deployments safer, without downtime, and without meddling with currently running instances. My experience with mutable deployments in the last two years was nothing short of disappointing. Mutable deployments are disappointing because they’re super hard to scale, and also because they make it super easy to disrupt the state of a perfectly healthy production web server.

I wanted the system to be able to scale out on its own (to a certain degree). While I certainly wouldn’t want the system to suddenly boot up tens of c4.8xlarge instances and get an electricity bill worthy of an operation the size of a nuclear power plant, I wanted something that would operate on a range and was able to handle mounting traffic load patterns.

What I really needed was to make server instances disposable and make it faster to add extra instances behind the load balancer. The best way to accomplish this is by creating an image. You always use images. Amazon has a huge repository of bare OS images you can use. So far, as explained in my old article, I had been using a Ubuntu base image, and then running my mutable deployments on top of that, over and over.

Instead of creating your EC2 instance with a bare OS image, we’ll take a multi-step approach.

  1. Create a base image (code-named primal) to be reused in every deploy
  1. Build your application
  1. Create a deployment image (code-named carnivore)
  1. Launch an instance based on carnivore

As you can see, this workflow is a bit more involved than what you need to do to get mutable deployments up and running, but it will definitely be worth your while.

When your infrastructure becomes disposable, you can supervise your instances. As soon as one of them seems unhealthy you could create a replacement, and then eventually terminate the unhealthy instance, with the replacement taking its place. This process is fast for immutable systems, but it’s a nightmare if you actively rely on specific instances that take a long time to boot up. What happens when “Dependency Server 3” is down? You’re unable to scale.

The new approach doesn’t get rid of the fixation on third party dependency management systems, but it contains that to the image creation steps. This is already an improvement, because you’ll then be able to scale out your infrastructure even when dependency services are down (as an image would have been already created once).

Better yet, you can leave the disposing and scaling to an Auto Scaling Group in Amazon, as we’ll uncover in the next article.

Using Packer

I’ve only recently stumbled upon Packer. Here’s how they describe it.

Packer is a tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.

First off, you’ll need to install Packer. If you’re using OSX and like brewing things, you’re in luck.

brew tap homebrew/binary
brew install packer

The “single source configuration” they speak of is really a small_ish_ JSON manifest that describes user variables, how the image is going to be built, and how it’s going to be provisioned. In our case, we’ll have two of these manifests. One is for the primal image I described in step 1 above, and the other is for the carnivore image described in step 3.

Defining the base image

Below you’ll find the primal manifest used to bake images for Pony Foo. You’ll note that it’s mostly readable, but we’ll tear it apart anyways.

  "variables": {
    "INSTANCE_USER": "admin",
    "NVM_VERSION": "v0.24.0",
    "NODE_VERSION": "0.10"
  "builders": [{
    "type": "amazon-ebs",
    "region": "us-east-1",
    "source_ami": "ami-22de994a",
    "instance_type": "t1.micro",
    "ssh_username": "{{user `INSTANCE_USER`}}",
    "ami_name": "ponyfoo-primal {{timestamp}}"
  "provisioners": [{
    "type": "file",
    "source": "deploy/mailtube",
    "destination": "/tmp/mailtube"
  }, {
    "type": "shell",
    "environment_vars": [
      "NVM_VERSION={{user `NVM_VERSION`}}",
      "NODE_VERSION={{user `NODE_VERSION`}}"
    "script": "deploy/templates/primal"

The first section of the manifest has a series of variables.

  "variables": {
    "INSTANCE_USER": "admin",
    "NVM_VERSION": "v0.24.0",
    "NODE_VERSION": "0.10"

Variables in packer can be modified by the user who is creating an image. We’ll just allow them to change the version of nvm and the version of node that they want installed. nvm is a “Node Version Manager” that makes it very easy to switch between versions of node (and io.js), which makes it ideal if we want to leave the version of node up to the image builder.

Next up we have the builders section.

  "builders": [{
    "type": "amazon-ebs",
    "region": "us-east-1",
    "source_ami": "ami-22de994a",
    "instance_type": "t1.micro",
    "ssh_username": "{{user `INSTANCE_USER`}}",
    "ami_name": "ponyfoo-primal {{timestamp}}"

First off, I should point out that ami-22de994a is a Debian Wheezy base image. The ssh_username is what will be used to ssh onto the instance while provisioning, and the {{user VARIABLE}} expression allows us to make the user configurable through variables. The AMI name contains a {{timestamp}} expression so that the resulting AMI has a unique name, a requirement of AWS. The rest of the configuration speaks for itself: we want a t1.micro instance backed by EBS storage on the us-east-1 region.

Oh, also, I’m prefixing the AMI with ponyfoo- so that it doesn’t collide with primal images for other applications in my AWS account. Throughout the series, you’ll notice that resources are tagged with the application name, and sometimes also with the execution environment (staging, production, etc.) This helps us to both quickly identify what application an instance belongs to, as well prevent naming collisions across our AWS resources.

We’ve saved the best for last, and we’re now getting to the provisioners in our Packer manifest. There’s two provisioners, let’s start with the file one.

  "type": "file",
  "source": "deploy/mailtube",
  "destination": "/tmp/mailtube"

There’s quite a bit going on here. The AMI image builder in Packer spins up an Amazon EC2 instance, where you make your adjustments (provisioning) and then it gets frozen into an AMI. Provisioners come into play once the instance is accessible via ssh.

We’re going to upload an entire directory to /tmp/mailtube. Packer will figure out on its own whether to use rsync, scp, or something else entirely. Not our problem!

A mail tube
A mail tube

We’re going to send a few precious things up the tube.

The package.json step seems hacky, but it’s also crucial. Installing dependencies takes a long time, and having as many of them pre-installed in primal allows us to keep the build time for carnivore at a minimum. Considering we’re going to build primal far less often, it’s a good thing to do. We’ll worry about copying our package.json over to the mailtube later.

There’s also the shell provisioner. This one uploads and runs a script on the instance we’re using to define our AMI.

  "type": "shell",
  "environment_vars": [
    "NVM_VERSION={{user `NVM_VERSION`}}",
  "script": "deploy/templates/primal"

Here again you see a few {{user VARIABLE}} expressions, used to expose those user variables to the shell script described below. This is probably where your provisioning of primal is going to differ the most from mine, so let’s take it slow.

Provisioning primal with Bash

First off, this is a Bash script (full script here), not a lot of mystery.


We kick off our provisioning by updating apt-get, and installing essentials such as git, curl, and gm.

echo "packer: updating aptitude"
sudo apt-key update
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get remove apt-listchanges
sudo apt-get install git make g++ graphicsmagick curl -y

Right after, we’ll install nginx. We need to chown the logs or else we’ll run into trouble when starting nginx.

echo "packer: nginx"
sudo mkdir -p /var/log/nginx
sudo chown $INSTANCE_USER /var/log/nginx
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/log/nginx
sudo apt-get install nginx -y

We install nvm right off of GitHub, using NVM_VERSION as provided.

echo "packer: nvm"
curl$NVM_VERSION/ | bash
. ~/.nvm/

Time to install node at the agreed upon NODE_VERSION version, and update npm to the latest possible version. Updating npm seems unnecessary but it actually resolves a lot of potential issues.

echo "packer: nodejs"
nvm install $NODE_VERSION
nvm alias default $NODE_VERSION
npm update -g npm

Make sure we source nvm if we manually ssh into the instance, for convenience.

echo '[[ -s $HOME/.nvm/ ]] && . $HOME/.nvm/' >> ~/.bashrc

The next command makes TCP a tad faster for bursty connections (HTTP is bursty).

echo "packer: tweaking tcp"
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_slow_start_after_idle=0

The next batch of commands enables port forwarding, forwards port 80 to port 8080, and instructs the instance to remember the new port forwarding rules across restarts. This is so that our application doesn’t have to bind on port 80, which would require elevated privileges.

echo "packer: ipv4 forwarding"
cp /etc/sysctl.conf /tmp/
echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1" >> /tmp/sysctl.conf
sudo cp /tmp/sysctl.conf /etc/
sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf

echo "packer: forward port 80 to 8080"
sudo iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 80 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables-save > /tmp/iptables-store.conf
sudo mv /tmp/iptables-store.conf /etc/iptables-store.conf

echo "packer: remember port forwarding rule across reboots"
echo "#!/bin/sh" > /tmp/iptables-ifupd
echo "iptables-restore < /etc/iptables-store.conf" >> /tmp/iptables-ifupd
chmod +x /tmp/iptables-ifupd
sudo mv /tmp/iptables-ifupd /etc/network/if-up.d/iptables

The time has come to pre-fill node_modules. Since we don’t actually have the application yet (the tube only had a package.json), we’ll install these dependencies somewhere and then move them later. We only care about --production modules, of course.

echo "packer: precaching server dependencies"
mkdir -p ~/app/precache
cp -r /tmp/mailtube ~/app/mailtube
cp ~/app/mailtube/package.json ~/app/precache
npm install --prefix ~/app/precache --production

Finally, we tell init.d to run nginx at system startup.

echo "packer: installing nginx at system startup"
sudo update-rc.d nginx defaults

Sweet! We’re done with the first step! Running packer build primal.json will produce the primal image and give us the ID for the AMI, ami-xxxxxx.

Screenshot of the terminal output when building primal image
Screenshot of the terminal output when building primal image

That took us a bunch of time, but to be quite fair we did all of this in our old setup. The only difference is that now you can “take a shortcut”, and create instances based on this AMI, saving you the time of installing all those lumps of dependencies over and over again.

We can now build carnivore based on the primal AMI.

Building carnivore with Packer

Now that we have primal, and assuming you’ll take it upon yourself to build and optimize your static assets, it’s time for step 3, burning carnivore. Given that carnivore is built on virtually every deployment, it has more configurability built into it, and at the same time its provisioning script is smaller.

First off, some variables. Arguably you’ll rarely want to change the amount of nginx workers, but you’ll definitely want to be able to set the NODE_ENV, SERVER_NAME, and whatnot.

  "variables": {
    "NODE_ENV": "staging",
    "SERVER_NAME": "",
    "INSTANCE_USER": "admin",
    "NGINX_WORKERS": "4",
    "SOURCE_ID": null

As you can see below, the SOURCE_ID variable is used as input for the base AMI to be extended by carnivore. This will be configured by our deployment script to use the ID provided by Packer when building primal. The AMI in this case is also tagged with NODE_ENV, because you built your static assets specifically for that environment, right before building the image.

  "builders": [{
    "type": "amazon-ebs",
    "region": "us-east-1",
    "instance_type": "t1.micro",
    "ssh_username": "{{user `INSTANCE_USER`}}",
    "ami_name": "ponyfoo-carnivore-{{user `NODE_ENV`}} {{timestamp}}",
    "source_ami": "{{user `SOURCE_ID`}}"

Once again we have two provisioners. The first one is a directory upload, just like last time. This time, we’re uploading everything that’s needed to run our application in its current state. Given that we’ve built static assets on our local environment, we’ll copy the essentials to run the application onto tmp/appserver and upload that to build the image.

  "type": "file",
  "source": "tmp/appserver",
  "destination": "/tmp/appserver"

We have the base primal image as well as the uploaded /tmp/appserver application. Our last step is to upload and execute the carnivore provisioning script.

  "type": "shell",
  "environment_vars": [
    "SERVER_NAME={{user `SERVER_NAME`}}",
    "NODE_ENV={{user `NODE_ENV`}}",
    "NAME=ponyfoo-{{user `NODE_ENV`}}"
  "script": "deploy/templates/carnivore"

Once the script is uploaded, Packer will execute it and our final AMI will be ready.

Priming carnivore with Bash

Again, we’ll use a Bash script. You can also skip ahead to the full script on GitHub.


For some awkward reason, I can’t figure out why I need to source nvm again (after adding it to ~/.bashrc). It works when I ssh into the instance, but not here, unless I explicitly source it again.

echo "packer: sourcing nvm"
. ~/.nvm/

We now take the nginx.conf and site.conf templates made available to primal and copy them over to our application directory. We use sed to replace a bunch of variables in the template, and we link up /etc/nginx/nginx.conf to what we did. I’m using ~/app/server/.bin/public as the static root just because that’s where I end up compiling static assets, no other particular reason.

echo "packer: updating nginx configuration"
cp -r ~/app/mailtube/nginx ~/app/nginx

sed -i "s#{NGINX_USER}#$INSTANCE_USER#g" ~/app/nginx/nginx.conf
sed -i "s#{NGINX_WORKERS}#$NGINX_WORKERS#g" ~/app/nginx/nginx.conf
sed -i "s#{SERVER_NAME}#$SERVER_NAME#g" ~/app/nginx/site.conf
sed -i "s#{STATIC_ROOT}#$HOME/app/server/.bin/public#g" ~/app/nginx/site.conf

sudo ln -sfn ~/app/nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
sudo ln -sfn ~/app/nginx/site.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/$NAME.conf
sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

Once that’s done, we make sure nginx is up (or whine about it.)

sudo service nginx restart || sudo service nginx start || (sudo cat /var/log/nginx/error.log && exit 1)

We take the appserver directory that we’ve just uploaded and move it to the application directory. We also take the modules we’ve pre-installed during primal provisioning. Then, we install whatever dependencies are missing or outdated. Again on a personal note, I always upload a specially crafted deploy/env/$NODE_ENV.json with environment secrets, for convenience.

echo "packer: moving uploaded server code"
mv /tmp/appserver ~/app/server

echo "packer: installing server dependencies"
mv ~/app/server/deploy/env/$NODE_ENV.json ~/app/server/.env.json
mv ~/app/precache/node_modules ~/app/server/node_modules
npm install --prefix ~/app/server --production

Lastly we register a service on init.d for the web application to run at startup. Again, I believe I shouldn’t be sourcing nvm if I’m already using bash for an environment, but it won’t show up unless I do. The init.d service configuration template was previously uploaded through the tube, and it’s configurable mostly so that I can reuse it across applications using a similar deployment strategy.

echo "packer: installing appserver daemon..."
echo "#!/bin/bash" > ~/app/start
echo ". ~/.nvm/" >> ~/app/start
echo "node ~/app/server/cluster.js" >> ~/app/start
chmod +x ~/app/start
cp ~/app/mailtube/init.d/appserver.conf ~/app/$NAME.conf
sed -i "s#{NAME}#$NAME#g" ~/app/$NAME.conf
sed -i "s#{DESCRIPTION}#Web application daemon service for $NAME#g" ~/app/$NAME.conf
sed -i "s#{USER}#$INSTANCE_USER#g" ~/app/$NAME.conf
sed -i "s#{COMMAND}#$HOME/app/start#g" ~/app/$NAME.conf
sudo mv ~/app/$NAME.conf /etc/init.d/$NAME
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/$NAME
sudo touch /var/log/$NAME.log
sudo chown $INSTANCE_USER /var/log/$NAME.log
sudo update-rc.d $NAME defaults

echo "packer: booting appserver daemon..."
sudo service $NAME start

Note that, given that this is a hosted environment, I play it safe and always run the node application off of cluster.

That’s it! The command below will bring your per-deployment AMI to life. PRIMAL_ID should be the ID of your primal AMI.

packer build \

As far as building images for immutable deployments goes, that’s all you need.

The next article will describe the process through which new environments are set up and deployed to with zero-downtime, all the while leveraging autoscaling groups.

Or in Amazon Web Services acronym speak: “In the next article we’ll learn how to leverage AWS ASG to deploy EC2 instances behind an ELB that’s connected to Route53 changing the LC and the AMI every time.”
