JavaScript Variable Hoisting

A large number of JavaScript interview questions, if not most of them, can be answered with an understanding of scoping, how this works, and hoisting.

You might be expecting the method to print 'number' first, and 2 afterwards, or maybe 3? Try running it! Why does it print 'undefined' and then undefined? Well, hello hoisting! It’ll be easier for you to picture it if I re-arrange the code to how it ends up after hoisting takes place. Let’s have a look.

var value = 2;


function test () {
    console.log(typeof value);
    var value = 3;

Enter JavaScript variable hoisting, and your code will actually end up looking like below. Hoisting basically moves variable declarations to the top of the scope those variables belong to. However, assignments stay where they are! Function declarations are hoisted only if they’re not part of an assignment statement.

var value;

function test () {
    var value;
    console.log(typeof value);
    value = 3;

value = 2;


So, that’s why: the value declaration at the end of the test function actually got hoisted to the top of the scope, and also the reason why test didn’t meet us with a TypeError exception warning us about undefined not being a function. Keep in mind that if we used the variable form of declaring the test function, we would in fact have gotten that error, because although var test would’ve been hoisted, the assignment wouldn’t have been, effectively becoming the following:

var value;
var test;

value = 2;


test = function () {
    var value;
    console.log(typeof value);
    value = 3;

The above wouldn’t work as expected, because test isn’t defined by the time we want to invoke it.


In the real world

Below is a real bug I had to track down once upon a time. Here, the issue was that we were declaring a path variable in the inner scope, shadowing the path in the outer scope. Due to hoisting, the inner path would be undefined if !something, resulting in unexpected behavior. This goes to show how much better it would’ve been to stick to a pattern where we “hoist” variables ourselves, rather than letting the language to do it for us. Hoisting code would improve the visibility of potential issues such as the one depicted below.

var path = require('path');

// ...

module.exports = function (something) {
  // ...

  if (something) {
    var path = require('path');
    // ...

  // ...

Granted, it’s not a very common issue, but it happens!
