NodeConf hits the ground running in Latin America

NodeConf Argentina is one of the first international Node.js conferences taking place in Latin American territory, and a not-for-profit community effort to push Node.js forward in Argentina and Latin America as a whole.

We’ve been working hard to bring NodeConf to latin america and we’re super excited to announce the first-ever NodeConf Argentina 2016.

A jacaranda tree
A jacaranda tree

This year’s conference will be a three–day event in sunny Buenos Aires, Argentina, held during November 17th, 18th & 19th at Ciudad Cultural Konex, near Palermo. We’ll offer social events, workshops, and conference talks delivered by internationally-acclaimed, regional, and local speakers. We are expecting Noders, JavaScripters, front-enders, and programmers from all over the world.

Our topmost concern is to guarantee the most enjoyable experience to our attendees, while providing a safe and welcoming environment for everyone. For that reason, we recommend you read the Code of Conduct if you haven’t yet.

We’ll soon be announcing important updates. We know many of you are already excited about our Call for Papers, so you’ll be hearing about that soon as well.

We’re also looking for sponsors, so if you’re interested in sponsoring the event please contact us at

In the meantime, we suggest you head over to the home page and subscribe to our mailing list so that you don’t miss any of the important updates.

Exciting adventures lie ahead!

You should follow @nodeconfar on Twitter for instant updates. NodeConf Argentina is a community effort driven by @nzgb, @a0viedo, @pr0duc3r, and @jaclar.
