Spritesheets, Grunt, and You

If you are using Grunt, you really have no excuse not to be using CSS spritesheets. If you aren’t using Grunt yet, then you should know that a well thought-out workflow with Grunt will allow you to seamlessly integrate icons together into a spritesheet during your builds.

In case you’ve been living undersea for the last decade, I wonder how you’re still breathing. Sprites are a very old concept, originating in game engines, which were more performant when they just loaded a single graphic containing all the frames needed to render an animation. Today, spritesheets are a well-known improvement over using a single image for each icon in modern websites, but they are still slower to gain ground than they could be.

Grunt makes this super-easy for us, and in this article I want to demonstrate exactly how I use it to generate spritesheets.


The first thing we’ll want to install is grunt-spritesmith.

npm install --save-dev grunt-spritesmith

Configuring it is kind of tricky to get right, but I’ve put together a function to make it easier for us to set it up.

function sprite (type, short) {
  return {
    src: 'src/img/sprite/' + type + '/**/*.{png,jpg,gif}',
    destImg: 'bin/public/img/sprite/' + type + '.png',
    destCSS: 'bin/public/css/sprite/' + type + '.css',
    imgPath: '/img/sprite/' + type + '.png',
    cssOpts: {
      cssClass: function (item) {
        var prefix = short ? short + '-' : '';
        return '.' + prefix + item.name + ':before';
    engine: 'gm',
      imgOpts: {
        format: 'png'

Say we want to set up a “tools” spritesheet, with a bunch of tool icons we have. We can simply configure Grunt like below.

  sprite: {
    tools: sprite('tools', 'tl')

Lastly, we’ll need a few extra tweaks to our CSS so that it works in a :before pseudo-element.

.icon:before {
  vertical-align: bottom;
  display: inline-block;
  content: '';

That’s it, we’re now able to render sprited icons in our HTML, effortlessly.

<span class="icon tl-screw"></span>

The tremendous upside is that we can drag and drop new icons into our source folder, and immediately build a spritesheet again. Something that used to take pestering the designer, or considerable effort on Paint on our part, is now just a matter of typing grunt sprite into the terminal.


Fully working source code here.
