
Your query for articles tagged “ecmascript” yielded some results!

  1. A Brief History of Modularity

    When it comes to JavaScript, modularity is a modern concept. In this article we’ll quickly revisit and summarize the milestones in how modularity evolved in the …

    9m 3
  2. Null Propagation Operator in JavaScript

    There’s a proposal in stage 1 for the Null Propagation operator. In this article we’ll take a look at the proposal, which offers an alternative to null …

    5m 25
  3. Pattern Matching in ECMAScript

    There’s a stage 0 proposal for pattern matching in JavaScript. In this article we’ll take a look at what the proposal entails and also show how you might …

    9m 17
  4. TC39, ECMAScript, and the Future of JavaScript

    Last week, I gave a presentation at Tencent Frontend Conference in Shenzhen, China. For this article, I’ve adapted its transcript.

    27m 10
  5. Observables Proposal for ECMAScript!

    There’s an ECMAScript proposal for Observables in the works. In this article we explore the proposal, the API, and look at a few use cases.

    Observables in …

    6m 11
  6. The JavaScript Standard

    JavaScript has gone from being a marketing ploy to gain a tactical advantage, to becoming the core programming experience in the world’s most widely used application runtime platform. Where to, next?

    11m 3
  7. ECMAScript Proposal for JavaScript Decorators
    (and protocols)

    There’s a JavaScript decorators proposal in the works.
    We take a look at how it works and why it’s useful.

    12m 4
  8. JavaScript Proposal for weak references: WeakRef

    A proposal to implement weak references in JavaScript – which would expose weak references made possible by WeakMap and WeakSet is currently sitting at stage 0.

    6m 0
  9. Proposal: “Statements as Expressions” using do

    A proposal for do statements has been classified as Stage 0 for a while, and it might be an interesting solution for some problems we can find in JavaScript.

    5m 6
  10. Proposal Draft for .flatten and .flatMap

    Array prototype may be getting .flatten and .flatMap methods may be coming to ECMAScript in a distant future. This article describes what the proposal holds in store.

    8m 10
  11. ECMAScript String Padding

    A first look into .padStart and .padEnd string methods drafted as proposals for implementation in ECMAScript.

    8m 6
  12. ES2016 Features & ECMAScript as a Living Standard

    As it turns out, ES2016 – also known colloquially as ES7 – will be comprised of a very small feature set. This article explains the new features in ES2016.

    5m 6