
Your query for articles tagged “modularity” yielded some results!

  1. A Tiny Story about Systems Complexity

    A human decides to open a new tab in their favorite web browser and they then google for “cat in a pickle gifs”. What happens next will shock you!

    3m 2
  2. Why I Write Plain JavaScript Modules

    These are short-form “thoughts”, in addition to the usual longer-form articles in the blog. The goal is to publish one of these every weekday. I’d …

    12m 22
  3. Designing Front-End Components

    Last monday I published an open-source library to easily take control of drag & drop in the front-end, dragula, and it has amassed over 2000 stars on GitHub in under …

    16m 9
  4. The Great Web Module Compendium

    For the past few months I’ve developed quite the number of front-end modules. These range from UI components to utility libraries, silly games, and everything in …

    8m 3
  5. Baking Modularity into Tag Editing

    For quite some time I’ve been wanting some sort of input that dealt with user-submitted tags in a reasonable way. I wanted this input to still be half-decent when …

    7m 7
  6. Building High-Quality Front-End Modules

    Lately I’ve been developing front-end modules solely based on Browserify, the latest being rome. Rome is a calendar component that has an extensive feature-set. …

    17m 2