
Your query for articles tagged “proposal-draft” yielded some results!

  1. Null Propagation Operator in JavaScript

    There’s a proposal in stage 1 for the Null Propagation operator. In this article we’ll take a look at the proposal, which offers an alternative to null …

    5m 25
  2. Pattern Matching in ECMAScript

    There’s a stage 0 proposal for pattern matching in JavaScript. In this article we’ll take a look at what the proposal entails and also show how you might …

    9m 17
  3. Observables Proposal for ECMAScript!

    There’s an ECMAScript proposal for Observables in the works. In this article we explore the proposal, the API, and look at a few use cases.

    Observables in …

    6m 11
  4. ECMAScript Proposal for JavaScript Decorators
    (and protocols)

    There’s a JavaScript decorators proposal in the works.
    We take a look at how it works and why it’s useful.

    12m 4
  5. JavaScript Proposal for weak references: WeakRef

    A proposal to implement weak references in JavaScript – which would expose weak references made possible by WeakMap and WeakSet is currently sitting at stage 0.

    6m 0
  6. Proposal: “Statements as Expressions” using do

    A proposal for do statements has been classified as Stage 0 for a while, and it might be an interesting solution for some problems we can find in JavaScript.

    5m 6
  7. Proposal Draft for .flatten and .flatMap

    Array prototype may be getting .flatten and .flatMap methods may be coming to ECMAScript in a distant future. This article describes what the proposal holds in store.

    8m 10
  8. ECMAScript String Padding

    A first look into .padStart and .padEnd string methods drafted as proposals for implementation in ECMAScript.

    8m 6