
Your query for articles tagged “security” yielded some results!

  1. Okta, Auth0, & the Goblet of Identity

    I’ve been exploring a couple of different options when it comes to serverless authentication providers, and I was both pleased and surprised to find how little …

    16m 1
  2. Setting up 2FA for Node.js Applications

    Let’s take a look at how we can quickly hash out a correct two-factor authentication (2FA) solution for our web applications. First off, let’s work out the …

    12m 2
  3. Content-Security-Policy in Express apps

    The Content-Security-Policy header is a bit frightening — will I break my website if I suddenly start blocking requests for external resources? In this article we go over a gradual approach to adopting CSP. 🔐

    16m 3
  4. Fixing an XSS vulnerability in marked

    Earlier this year my team at Snyk added an interesting Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability to our database, in the popular marked package. The vulnerability is …

    8m 4
  5. Securing Your Web App in 3 Easy Steps

    I’ve recently upgraded Pony Foo to use the https protocol, something I’ve been meaning to do for a while. It’s super easy to do so, and …

    6m 4