
Your query for articles tagged “standards” yielded some results!

  1. TC39, ECMAScript, and the Future of JavaScript

    Last week, I gave a presentation at Tencent Frontend Conference in Shenzhen, China. For this article, I’ve adapted its transcript.

    27m 10
  2. The JavaScript Standard

    JavaScript has gone from being a marketing ploy to gain a tactical advantage, to becoming the core programming experience in the world’s most widely used application runtime platform. Where to, next?

    11m 3
  3. ES2016 Features & ECMAScript as a Living Standard

    As it turns out, ES2016 – also known colloquially as ES7 – will be comprised of a very small feature set. This article explains the new features in ES2016.

    5m 6
  4. Fast-forwarding the Web Platform

    Peter-Paul Koch – or @ppk – has once again published a rupturing article titled “Stop pushing the web forward” that is surely going to set …

    8m 1