Leveraging Immutable Deployments

Last time around, we discussed how to create an AMI for every deployment: a crucial step in enabling you to leverage deployment immutability. This time around we’ll learn what it takes to automate autoscaling immutable deployments with zero-downtime, while sitting behind a load balancer and using Route 53 for DNS.

Given the immutable images we’re now able to build, thanks to the last article, in this article we’ll lay out an architecture, based on Amazon Web Services, that’s able to take advantage of those immutable images.

Architecture Overview

Our journey starts at Route 53, a DNS provider service from Amazon. You’ll set up the initial DNS configuration by hand. I’ll leave the NS, SOA, and TXT records up to you. The feature that interests me in Route 53 is creating ALIAS record sets. These special record sets allow you to bind a domain name to an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB), which can then distribute traffic among your Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) server instances.

The eye candy in ALIAS record sets is that you’re able to use them at the naked, or apex domain level (e.g ponyfoo.com), and not just sub-domains (e.g blog.ponyfoo.com). Our scripts will set up these ALIAS records on our behalf whenever we want to deploy to a new environment, also a very enticing feature.

When you finish reading this article, you’ll be able to run the commands below and have your application listening at dev01.example.com when they complete, without the need for any manual actions.

NODE_ENV=dev01 npm run setup
NODE_ENV=dev01 npm run deploy

We don’t merely use ELB because of its ability to route traffic from naked domains, but also because it enables us to have many web servers behind a single domain, which makes our application more robust and better able to handle load, becoming highly available.

In order to better manage the instances behind our ELB, we’ll use Auto Scaling Groups (ASG). These come at no extra cost, you just pay for the EC2 instances in them. The ASG will automatically detect “unhealthy” EC2 instances, or instances that the ELB has deemed unreachable after pinging them with GET requests. Unhealthy instances are automatically disconnected from the ELB, meaning they’ll no longer receive traffic. However, we’ll enable connection draining so that they gracefully respond to pending requests before shutting down.

When a new deployment is requested, we’ll create a new ASG, and provision it with the new carnivore AMI, which you may recall from our last encounter. The new ASG will spin as many EC2 instances as desired. We’ll wait until EC2 reports every one of those instances are properly initialized and healthy. We’ll then wait until ELB reports every one of those instances is reachable via HTTP. This ensures that no downtime occurs during our deployment. When every new instance is reachable on ELB, we’ll remove the outdated EC2 instances from ELB first, and downscale the outdated ASG to 0. This will cause the ASG to allow connection draining to kick in on the outdated instances, and terminate them afterwards. Once all of that is over, we delete the outdated ASG.

This approach might not be blazing fast, but I’ll take a speed bump over downtime any day.

Of course, none of this would be feasible if spinning a new instance took 15 minutes while installing software that should’ve been baked into an image. This is why creating those images was crucial. In a slow process such as this, baking images saves us much appreciated startup time.

Process Recap

The approach I propose involves two steps. A setup step and a deploy step.

You are supposed to run the setup script once, when first putting together a new environment. No images are involved for the setup process, and it’s very fast. Everything is done at the infrastructure level. The setup script involves the following steps.

The deployment script is a bit longer. This is the one that you will be (presumably) running a few times a day. Most of the time is spent baking images and waiting for EC2 instances to become healthy in the eyes of ELB.

Besides Packer, which you should’ve installed if you already went over the previous article, you’ll need to have a few more tools laying around.


The first of them is the AWS CLI (needs Python if you don’t have it already in your system), obviously.

pip install awscli
aws configure

We use two different tools to manipulate JSON data. One is jq, which is great for most use cases where we just need to select some data deep in a JSON structure. If you are on OSX, you can use brew.

brew install jq

The other JSON tool is underscore-cli, which is better suited for complex filtering, mapping, and selects.

npm install underscore-cli --save-dev

In the next couple of sections we’ll go over each of the two scripts and how they work.

Putting together the setup script

Okay, so it’s Bash again!


Not sure how this is not the default behavior, but this command makes sure that your script doesn’t behave as if On Error Resume Next was on (for those unfamiliar with Basic, set -e will make sure that errors are treated as such).

set -e

The following bit of code defaults NODE_ENV to staging, unless it’s user-provided.

: "${NODE_ENV:="staging"}"

First off, let’s pull up the Amazon Web Services Console and find the “Hosted Zone ID” for the domain you want to use with this application. Then, paste it in the next line.


Next we declare the top level domain that we’re going to be using. This should’ve already been configured on the Route 53 hosted zone. In my case, that’s ponyfoo.com, obviously.


As I mentioned in the previous article, resources are named conventionally so that names don’t clash with each other. Let’s set up a bunch of names we are going to use.


What availability zones should be used by the load balancer? This is configurable, but stick to something that works! I originally wanted to pull these from the ELB, but it seems not every instance type is available in every availability zone, so your mileage may vary.

AVAILABILITY_ZONES="us-east-1a us-east-1b"

My convention is to use the naked domain when $NODE_ENV is production (example.com vs staging.example.com), but you can easily change that.


if [ "$HOST_NAME" == "production." ]

One last bit of set up before we start to interact with Amazon. Most commands will be logged so that you can diagnose what happened in case something goes wrong. Here’s where to look for them.

rm -rf deploy/log
mkdir deploy/log

Onto the exciting business. We start by creating the load balancer on the designated availability zones, and telling it to listen on port 80. We name the ELB according to our conventions so we can easily dig it up later on (or inspect it in the AWS management console).

echo "setup: creating $ELB_NAME load balancer ($AVAILABILITY_ZONES)..."
aws elb create-load-balancer \
  --load-balancer-name "$ELB_NAME" \
  --listeners Protocol=HTTP,LoadBalancerPort=80,InstanceProtocol=HTTP,InstancePort=80 \
  --availability-zones $AVAILABILITY_ZONES > deploy/log/elb-create.log

Turn on connection draining on the load balancer we just created. Instances are given 300 seconds (5 minutes) after being detached from ELB to finish off outstanding requests. This is a crucial aspect of managing deployments gracefully. We’ll shut off old instances from ELB but they’ll still be allowed to complete those outstanding requests on their own terms.

echo "setup: enabling connection draining on elb..."
aws elb modify-load-balancer-attributes \
  --load-balancer-name "$ELB_NAME" \
  --load-balancer-attributes "{\"ConnectionDraining\":{\"Enabled\":true,\"Timeout\":300}}" > deploy/log/elb-draining.log

Lastly, we’ll set up health checks on ELB. You should set up a GET /api/status/health endpoint in your application. All it needs to do is return a 200 OK status code in under 4 seconds (Timeout). Instance health is checked twice every minute (Interval). If an instance fails the health check twice (UnhealthyThreshold), it’ll become unhealthy. When an instance is marked as unhealthy the autoscaling group will probably take it down, but nevertheless we’ve configured a HealthyThreshold of 2, which would bring it back to Healthy after two consecutive successful health checks.

echo "setup: configuring health checks on elb..."
aws elb configure-health-check \
  --load-balancer-name "$ELB_NAME" \
  --health-check Target=HTTP:80/api/status/health,Interval=30,UnhealthyThreshold=2,HealthyThreshold=2,Timeout=4 > deploy/log/elb-health.log

The next block of code queries Amazon about the ELB, getting the metadata we need to set up the ALIAS record on our Route 53 hosted zone. This is necessary because the command to create the ELB doesn’t yield information such as the hosted zone ID or the hosted zone name. Afterwards, we use that metadata to upsert an ALIAS record on Route 53. We indicate that we want Route 53 to take the ELB health check into consideration.

echo "setup: describing load balancer to create route53 alias recordset..."
aws elb describe-load-balancers \
  --load-balancer-name "$ELB_NAME" > deploy/log/elb-describe-lb.log

ELB_ZONE_ID=$(jq -r '.LoadBalancerDescriptions[0].CanonicalHostedZoneNameID' < deploy/log/elb-describe-lb.log)
ELB_ZONE_NAME=$(jq -r '.LoadBalancerDescriptions[0].CanonicalHostedZoneName' < deploy/log/elb-describe-lb.log)

echo "setup: creating route53 alias recordset on $HOST_NAME$TLD..."
echo "{
  \"Changes\": [{
    \"Action\": \"UPSERT\",
    \"ResourceRecordSet\": {
      \"Type\": \"A\",
      \"Name\": \"$HOST_NAME$TLD.\",
      \"AliasTarget\": {
        \"HostedZoneId\": \"$ELB_ZONE_ID\",
        \"DNSName\": \"$ELB_ZONE_NAME\",
        \"EvaluateTargetHealth\": true
}" > deploy/log/route53-record-set-changes.log

aws route53 change-resource-record-sets \
  --hosted-zone-id "$HOSTED_ZONE" \
  --change-batch "file://deploy/log/route53-record-set-changes.log" > deploy/log/route53-change-recordset.log

Finally, we check to see if an ssh key file was already generated and uploaded to Amazon, and if not, we upload one. The key file will grant ssh access to every EC2 instance assigned to the current $NODE_ENV environment. You are welcome to omit this step if you don’t plan on needing to ssh into instances to debug an issue. I don’t usually do it, but I like knowing I can (so that I can pinpoint what is going on, directly from a production instance).

if [ -f "$KEYFILE" ]
  echo "setup: ssh key file already exists on aws."
  echo "setup: ssh key file doesn't exist yet. creating..."
  mkdir -p deploy/keys
  ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N "" -f "$KEYFILE"
  aws ec2 import-key-pair \
    --key-name "$NAME" \
    --public-key-material "file://$KEYFILE.pub" > deploy/log/ec2-upload-keypair.log
  echo "setup: ssh key file uploaded to aws."

echo "setup: done."

“If you need to ssh into an instance that means your automation has failed”

This is something I’ve read many times, and while it’s a great idea not to depend on ssh for any of our process, it’s still valuable being able to ssh in case something goes wrong. You wouldn’t want to be left stranded on principle, would you?

That’s all there is to the setup script. We now have an ELB, and it’s linked to our hosted zone on Route 53. At this point if we were to navigate to ponyfoo.com we’d see a blank page, served by ELB when no healthy instances are available.

A immutable deploy script

Again, this is Bash. We don’t tolerate mistakes. And we default NODE_ENV to staging.


set -e

: "${NODE_ENV:="staging"}"

The 3 variables below allow us to make the deployment process faster. Setting PRIMAL_ID means we’ll skip the creation of a primal image. Most of the time we don’t want to create a new primal image, but sometimes we might want to (especially during debugging). Setting IMAGE_ID means we’ll also skip the creation of a carnivore image. Most of the time we want to create new carnivore images for each deployment, but it’s useful to skip that step during debugging as it’ll save considerable time.

Finally, CLEANUP="no" means that the IMAGE_ID AMI shouldn’t be removed after a deployment. By default, those AMI are deleted only if they were produced by the deployment script, but you can set CLEANUP="no" to make sure that they’re never deleted.

# PRIMAL_ID="ami-xxxxxxxx"
# IMAGE_ID="ami-xxxxxxxx"
# CLEANUP="no"

Some more configuration follows. We choose the type of instances we want, how many we’d like, the minimum and maximum capacity to be defined for the ASG launch configuration, and whatnot.


A couple of helper methods to get a timestamp like 20150407181937 and to sleep for a short while and print a single dot.

timestamp () {
  date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"

zzz () {
  sleep 2
  printf "."

This may not be your convention, but you should do whatever static asset building you need inside this function. In my case I have npm run scripts like build-staging and build-production.

build_app () {
  echo "deploy: building app for $NODE_ENV environment"
  npm run build-$NODE_ENV

The copy_over method copies everything that’s needed to run the application in a hosted environment, so this will probably be different from case to case. This should probably include the static assets you built in the build_app method. Going back to the previous article, you might remember that carnivore images took an entire directory from tmp/appserver. In copy_over, we prepare that directory with everything the image will need.

copy_over () {
  echo "deploy: copying files over to tmp/appserver"
  rm -rf tmp/appserver
  mkdir -p tmp/appserver/deploy/env
  cp -r {.bin,client,controllers,lib,models,resources,services,views,.env.defaults.json,.taunusrc,*.js,package.json} tmp/appserver
  cp "deploy/env/$NODE_ENV.json" tmp/appserver/deploy/env

The following couple of functions are in charge of conditionally building the base primal image with Packer. As you can see we won’t be passing packer any configuration besides what we set up last time around. The only condition that’s checked is whether a PRIMAL_ID variable is set. The tee command writes to a file while still printing to standard output.

build_primal_image () {
  echo "deploy: building primal image with packer..."

  cp package.json deploy/mailtube
  packer build \
    deploy/templates/primal.json | tee deploy/log/packer-primal.log

  PRIMAL_ID=$(tail -1 < deploy/log/packer-primal.log | cut -d ' ' -f 2)

  echo "deploy: built image $PRIMAL_ID"

maybe_build_primal_image () {
  if [ -z ${PRIMAL_ID+x} ]
    echo "deploy: skipping primal image build, using $PRIMAL_ID"

Building carnivore needs us to prepare the application for the relevant environment, first. This time we’ll forward a couple of variables to packer. The NODE_ENV variable will be used when booting up our application so that the image knows what environment it should expect to be running on. The SOURCE_ID variable will be used in the template to base our deployment image off of the SOURCE_ID AMI.

build_deployment_image () {
  echo "deploy: building carnivore image with packer..."

  packer build \
    -var NODE_ENV=$NODE_ENV \
    deploy/templates/carnivore.json | tee deploy/log/packer-carnivore.log

  IMAGE_ID=$(tail -1 < deploy/log/packer-carnivore.log | cut -d ' ' -f 2)

  echo "deploy: built image $IMAGE_ID"

maybe_build_deployment_image () {
  if [ -z ${IMAGE_ID+x} ]
    echo "deploy: skipping deployment image build, using $IMAGE_ID"

The lookup_existing_asg method records pre-existing autoscaling groups and launch configurations so that they can be turned off and deleted later on. The conditionals near the bottom are used to avoid creating a file with a single new line, as that would result in problems when reading that file line by line later on in the process.

lookup_existing_asg () {
  echo "deploy: pulling down list of existing autoscaling groups..."
  aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups > deploy/log/asg-list.log

  echo "deploy: pulling down list of existing launch configurations..."
  aws autoscaling describe-launch-configurations > deploy/log/asg-lc.log

  EXISTING_GROUP_NAMES=$(underscore process --outfmt text "data.AutoScalingGroups.filter(function (asg) {
    return asg.AutoScalingGroupName.indexOf(\"asg-$NAME\") === 0
  }).map(function (asg) {
    return asg.AutoScalingGroupName
  })" < deploy/log/asg-list.log)

  EXISTING_LAUNCH_CONFIGURATIONS=$(underscore process --outfmt text "data.LaunchConfigurations.filter(function (lc) {
    return lc.LaunchConfigurationName.indexOf(\"lc-$NAME\") === 0
  }).map(function (lc) {
    return lc.LaunchConfigurationName
  })" < deploy/log/asg-lc.log)

  if [ "$EXISTING_GROUP_NAMES" != "" ]
    echo "$EXISTING_GROUP_NAMES" > deploy/log/asg-existing-group-names.log
    touch deploy/log/asg-existing-group-names.log

    echo "$EXISTING_LAUNCH_CONFIGURATIONS" > deploy/log/asg-existing-lc.log
    touch deploy/log/asg-existing-lc.log

In launch_updated_asg we’ll create a new launch configuration, and use that to create a new ASG. The ASG is configured to ask the ELB for health reports, to tag instances according to the current environment, to use the availability zones registered with the ELB, and to launch as many instances as we’ve configured earlier. The ASG is in charge of creating the instances, so this is the only place where you need to change how they will be created. Generally speaking you won’t ever need to create instances yourself unless you are in some kind of obscure hurry. If you want more instances you should just increase the desired and maximum capacity in the ASG.

launch_updated_asg () {
  echo "deploy: describing elb to get availability zones..."
  aws elb describe-load-balancers \
    --load-balancer-name "$ELB_NAME" > deploy/log/elb-describe-lb.log

  AVAILABILITY_ZONES=$(jq -r ".LoadBalancerDescriptions[0].AvailabilityZones[]?" < deploy/log/elb-describe-lb.log)

  echo "deploy: creating $LC_NAME using the latest image..."
  aws autoscaling create-launch-configuration \
    --launch-configuration-name "$LC_NAME" \
    --image-id "$IMAGE_ID" \
    --instance-type "$INSTANCE_TYPE" \
    --key-name "$NAME" \
    --security-groups "$SECURITY_GROUP" > deploy/log/asg-lc-creation.log

  echo "deploy: creating $ASG_NAME autoscaling group..."
  aws autoscaling create-auto-scaling-group \
    --auto-scaling-group-name "$ASG_NAME" \
    --launch-configuration-name "$LC_NAME" \
    --availability-zones $AVAILABILITY_ZONES \
    --health-check-type "ELB" \
    --health-check-grace-period 300 \
    --load-balancer-names "$ELB_NAME" \
    --min-size "$MIN_CAPACITY" \
    --max-size "$MAX_CAPACITY" \
    --desired-capacity "$DESIRED_CAPACITY" \
    --tags ResourceId=$ASG_NAME,Key=Name,Value=$NAME ResourceId=$ASG_NAME,Key=Role,Value=web > deploy/log/asg-create-group.log

Once the new ASG has been created, we need to wait for EC2 and ELB to report that all of the instances are healthy and reachable through the load balancer. We mix polling and short naps to avoid spamming the API, while not taking too long to react to health status changes either.

wait_on_health () {
  while [ "$EC2_HEALTH" != "$DESIRED_CAPACITY" ]
    printf "deploy: ensuring new instance(s) are healthy at ec2"
    aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups \
      --auto-scaling-group-names "$ASG_NAME" > deploy/log/asg-description.log

    EC2_HEALTH=$(underscore process --outfmt text "data.AutoScalingGroups[0].Instances.filter(function (i) {
      return i.LifecycleState === 'InService' && i.HealthStatus === 'Healthy'
    }).length" < deploy/log/asg-description.log)

    echo " ($EC2_HEALTH/$DESIRED_CAPACITY are healthy)"

  ELB_INSTANCES=$(jq -r '.AutoScalingGroups[0].Instances[]?.InstanceId' < deploy/log/asg-description.log)
  while [ "$ELB_HEALTH" != "$DESIRED_CAPACITY" ]
    printf "deploy: ensuring new instance(s) are healthy at elb"
    aws elb describe-instance-health \
      --load-balancer-name "$ELB_NAME" \
      --instances $ELB_INSTANCES  > deploy/log/elb-health-description.log

    ELB_HEALTH=$(underscore process --outfmt text "data.InstanceStates.filter(function (s) {
      return s.State === 'InService'
    }).length" < deploy/log/elb-health-description.log)

    echo " ($ELB_HEALTH/$DESIRED_CAPACITY are healthy)"

Now that our new instances are up and running, we can safely remove outdated instances from the ELB. We iterate over all the ASG that predated our deployment, and deregister their instances. Then, we also downscale those ASG to 0, effectively asking them politely to gracefully shut down all of their instances. After all of them have been terminated, we shut down the ASG itself. Then, we delete all outdated launch configurations.

cleanup_outdated_autoscaling_groups () {
    ASG_INSTANCES=$(underscore process --outfmt text "data.AutoScalingGroups.filter(function (asg,i) {
      return asg.AutoScalingGroupName === \"$EXISTING_GROUP_NAME\"
    }).shift().Instances.map(function (i) {
      return i.InstanceId
    })" < deploy/log/asg-list.log)

    echo "deploy: removing instances in outdated $EXISTING_GROUP_NAME from $ELB_NAME..."
    aws elb deregister-instances-from-load-balancer \
      --load-balancer-name $ELB_NAME \
      --instances $ASG_INSTANCES > deploy/log/elb-deregister.log

    echo "deploy: downscaling outdated $EXISTING_GROUP_NAME..."
    aws autoscaling update-auto-scaling-group \
      --auto-scaling-group-name $EXISTING_GROUP_NAME \
      --max-size 0 \
      --min-size 0 > deploy/log/asg-downscale.log

    while [ "$OPERATIONAL" != "0" ]
      printf "deploy: ensuring outdated instance(s) are terminated"
      aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups \
        --auto-scaling-group-names "$EXISTING_GROUP_NAME" > deploy/log/asg-existing-description.log

      OPERATIONAL=$(underscore process --outfmt text "data.AutoScalingGroups.filter(function (asg) {
        return asg.AutoScalingGroupName === \"$EXISTING_GROUP_NAME\"
      }).shift().Instances.length" < deploy/log/asg-existing-description.log)

      echo " ($OPERATIONAL are operational)"

    echo "deploy: deleting outdated $EXISTING_GROUP_NAME..."
    aws autoscaling delete-auto-scaling-group \
      --auto-scaling-group-name $EXISTING_GROUP_NAME || echo "deploy: delete failed. maybe it's already deleted."
  done < deploy/log/asg-existing-group-names.log

  while read EXISTING_LC_NAME
    echo "deploy: removing outdated launch configuration $EXISTING_LC_NAME..."
    aws autoscaling delete-launch-configuration \
      --launch-configuration-name "$EXISTING_LC_NAME" >> deploy/log/asg-lc-deletion.log || echo "deploy: delete failed. maybe it's already deleted."
  done < deploy/log/asg-existing-lc.log

The cleanup_deployment_image method deregisters the $IMAGE_ID AMI and deletes the associated snapshot, making sure that our deployment leaves no stray artifacts on its way.

cleanup_deployment_image () {
  if [ "$CLEANUP" != "no" ]
    SNAPSHOT_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-images \
      --image-ids $IMAGE_ID \
      | jq -r .Images[0].BlockDeviceMappings[0].Ebs.SnapshotId)

    echo "deploy: deregistering deployment image $IMAGE_ID"
    aws ec2 deregister-image --image-id $IMAGE_ID

    echo "deploy: deleting snapshot $SNAPSHOT_ID"
    aws ec2 delete-snapshot --snapshot-id $SNAPSHOT_ID

Lastly, we run all the methods we’ve declared. You probably won’t have to touch this beyond changing the $NAME prefix from ponyfoo to something-else.


rm -rf deploy/log
mkdir deploy/log

Finally! That’s it.


I think one of the best aspects of this deployment process is how easy it is to set up. I designed it for another project but I managed to cram it into ponyfoo.com in under 10 minutes. The coolest part is that it really isn’t tied to one technology in particular, and besides the environment being defined as NODE_ENV there isn’t a lot of node-specific code in the deployment scripts, as most of that is contained in the Packer image provisioning scripts.

This separation of concerns, where you build your static assets in your local environment, you bake an AMI with everything your hosted environments need, and you perform deployments in an application-agnostic way, makes deployments with this setup a breeze. At least for me!

Happy Bashing!

You’ll find a full copy of the scripts outlined in these articles on GitHub.
