
Your query for articles tagged “front-end” yielded some results!

  1. Designing Front-End Components

    Last monday I published an open-source library to easily take control of drag & drop in the front-end, dragula, and it has amassed over 2000 stars on GitHub in under …

    16m 9
  2. The Great Web Module Compendium

    For the past few months I’ve developed quite the number of front-end modules. These range from UI components to utility libraries, silly games, and everything in …

    8m 3
  3. The Conventional Front-End

    Conventions are a great thing. Frameworks such as Ruby on Rails and ASP.NET MVC are good examples of conventional MVC implementations. Conventions are essentially …

    4m 0
  4. A Gentle Browserify Walkthrough

    Building modules for the front-end has become an increasingly easy problem to solve. Back in the nineties we had our Java applets, our <MARQUEE> and <BLINK>

    23m 3
  5. Building High-Quality Front-End Modules

    Lately I’ve been developing front-end modules solely based on Browserify, the latest being rome. Rome is a calendar component that has an extensive feature-set. …

    17m 2
  6. Modularizing Your Front-End

    In the past I’ve wrote about a small alternative to async, named contra, which is barely over 2kb, and has the browser at its heart. It comes with the usual …

    15m 2
  7. Angle Brackets, Synergistic Directives

    In the previous part of this article, I discussed scope events and the behavior of the digest cycle. This time around, I’ll talk about directives. Just as …

    33m 4
  8. Angle Brackets, Rifle Scopes

    Angular.js presents a remarkable number of interesting design choices in its code-base. Two particularly interesting cases are the way in which scopes work, and how …

    30m 2
  9. Get Between the Covers of Build First

    A couple of weeks ago, my book on JavaScript Application Design and front-end processes (which I began writing a few months ago) finally went into the first review …

    10m 0
  10. Package Authoring with Paqui

    Creating client-side JavaScript packages is increasingly becoming a painful endeavor. Here’s a potential fix.

    11m 0
  11. Your Tab Views Suck

    What if I told you… we can write a tabbed UI view without using JavaScript, which works in every modern browser, and even clocks around 20 total lines of code?

    In …

    14m 6
  12. The Angular Way

    For the past few months I’ve been sailing around the world of Angular. Today I can hardly imagine myself doing day to day coding on a large front-end web …

    13m 4
  13. Getting Over jQuery

    We’ve looked at doing some of the things that you can do in native code. So far, we’ve covered AJAX, event handling, event delegation, DOM querying, and …

    22m 6
  14. Organizing your CSS with Bootstrap

    Now that we’ve laid the basics in the cascading land of awesomeness that is CSS, it’s time to move forward and take a deeper look at organization and …

    12m 1
  15. CSS For Dummies

    Web design today is hard to get right. I’ve been meaning to talk about front-end design for a while, but I couldn’t get the subject quite right. Seeing how …

    13m 1
  16. Defensive Design

    I’ve recently read the book Defensive Design for the Web, and I felt compelled to write about it here. I guess it’s a good starting point for writing my …

    4m 2
  17. Paging in the Wilderness

    Traditionally, lists on websites have been paged to allow data to be chunked rather than sent out all at once, when the user might not need all of it right away, …

    4m 0
  18. Single Page Design Madness

    A few days passed, a couple lessons learned. I promised myself not to spend too much time trying to make something perfect, but rather keep a lean approach and moving …

    12m 1