
Your query for articles tagged “announcement” yielded some results!

  1. Announcing Practical Modern JavaScript 📚
    — and the Modular JavaScript Book Series!

    Practical Modern JavaScript is the first book in a 📚 series I’m dubbing Modular JavaScript, which aims to be a comprehensive, freely available, and open set of books with the mission of improving our collective understanding of modular JavaScript.

    19m 2
  2. NodeConf hits the ground running in Latin America

    NodeConf Argentina is one of the first international Node.js conferences taking place in Latin American territory, and a not-for-profit community effort to push Node.js …

    2m 0
  3. I’m Building Stompflow!

    Hey there! Today I have exciting news to share. We’ve recently started developing a prototype for a project management service called Stompflow, and it has a …

    a minute 1