
Your query for articles tagged “modules” yielded some results!

  1. A Brief History of Modularity

    When it comes to JavaScript, modularity is a modern concept. In this article we’ll quickly revisit and summarize the milestones in how modularity evolved in the …

    9m 3
  2. ES6 Modules in Depth

    Welcome back to ES6 – “Oh, good. It’s not another article about Unicode” – in Depth series. If you’ve never been around here …

    16m 9
  3. Composable UI

    Most often, web UI libraries fall under one of two categories. They may be part of a “framework”, or a grouping of UI components that share an appearance, …

    22m 7
  4. A Gentle Browserify Walkthrough

    Building modules for the front-end has become an increasingly easy problem to solve. Back in the nineties we had our Java applets, our <MARQUEE> and <BLINK>

    23m 3
  5. CSS: The Good Parts

    I’ve decided to pour my thoughts of how the CSS of an application should be modelled into a formal style guide. I’ve been using this approach for over a …

    18m 14
  6. Modularizing Your Front-End

    In the past I’ve wrote about a small alternative to async, named contra, which is barely over 2kb, and has the browser at its heart. It comes with the usual …

    15m 2
  7. Email Sending Done Right

    A week ago I wrote about a few goals I’ve set for myself in 2014. In particular, I alluded to writing code that’s more modular than what I’ve been writing so far:

    4m 5
  8. Architecture of ECMAScript 6 Modules

    This blog post contains useful information if you’re interested in the latest developments on ECMAScript 6 Harmony modules and they current state of their …

    31m 1