A comprehensive collection of recipes for using ServiceWorker – from Mozilla. Everything from relaying messages between a ServiceWorker instance and a page to offline fallback scenarios and utilizing the Web Push Notification API. |
Francois walks us through his toolchain of choice when it comes to modern front-end development. It basically comes down to React, Redux, Babel, Webpack, ESLint, lodash, and a few others. I must say I disagree with their choice of Mocha, but their detailed analysis is still well worth a read. |
Dor reveals the importance of having – and periodically taking care of – a side project. He highlights the value in showing off your code, sparking your creative interest, and testing out new ideas in a learning environment. The newsletter you’re now reading is a side project of mine, so this hits pretty close to home! |
Patrick here describes how his team ditched jQuery in favor of a series of helper functions. He goes on to discuss what it meant for them to drop jQuery and what they learned in the process. Includes some lesser known DOM API endpoints. If you’re looking to replace jQuery with a lean DOM manipulation alternative, consider dominus . |
Getting some perspective is always important. In this case, eevee offers that we don’t necessarily need to cram JavaScript everywhere in our sites. This is a trend that we should strive to revert. While not part of the article – the Twitter screenshot to the right is a great visual example of what’s described in the piece. | |
Responsive images are hard, but responsive pixel art seemed impossible until I saw this demo! An interesting experiment looking into responsive pixel art. Refer to this tweet for a short explanation on how it works. | |
The Litmus team took an interesting approach into dynamically generating content for an email newsletter: an external CSS stylesheet updated every 10 seconds with CSS used to render a custom Twitter stream, and a fallback static image also updated every 10 seconds. In an older post they explained a technique to embed background video in emails. |
Practical git advice from Wes – and some oddities as well. Nevertheless, a quick and informative read. Several git commands for you to put into practice, although some may just be amusement material! |
Over a dozen articles covering data structures from a JavaScript perspective. Everything from queues and linked lists to graphs, trees, and tries. Highly comprehensive reads! |
Desperately in need to get started with FRP (Functional Reactive Programming) – applied to JavaScript? Look no further! This guide by the folks at ReactiveX (the people behind Rx.js) is a great starting point. |
Amjad looks at how we can implement some kind of memoization on top of Promises so that we only pull network intensive resources only when it’s necessary. He covers a few different scenarios and explains trade-offs in each case. |
Immutability is everywhere. Now you can use this ESLint (a JavaScript code linter) plugin to lock down your codebase entirely by preventing mutability at the static analysis level. A very interesting development; time will tell if it takes off. |
Another one from a Netflix developer. Tim’s diffhtml package aims to provide smart virtual DOM diffing directly on the DOM. The package also comes with a prolyfill of how Tim would like diffhtml to be standarized in the future. |
Phil drills deep into how the z-index property works under the hood. He takes steps to explain stacking order and context in more detail than you’d ever need to know. |
Dan walks us through how React hot loading works. You probably should complement his react-europe talk with the Hot Reloading in React article he recently shared on Medium. | |