Benedikt talks performance. In this case, he explores polymorphism vs monomorphism, and how property access in a large numbers of different object shapes can significantly hurt performance. |
Kat updated the Pattern Matching proposal, one of the most interesting proposals to land in TC39 since async /await , and it looks like it might get moving. Head over to the Files changed and take a look at a few of the examples, or read the blog post I wrote back in July. |
Peter explains how the Web MIDI API makes it possible to use digital musical instruments as browser inputs. Peter argues: “it’s fairly quick and easy to implement and even create a really fun project”. |
Manage your visual assets and collaborate on design socially by simply clicking a specific location of an image and start a discussion around it. |
Saleem discusses a vulnerability discovered in Ledger cryptocurrency hardware wallets. The vulnerability arose due to Ledger’s use of a custom architecture created to work around many of the limitations of their Secure Element. |
VS Code 1.21 includes a brand new text buffer implementation which is a lot more performant than previous iterations, both in terms of speed and memory usage. In this blog post, Peng tells the story of how the team selected and designed the data structures and algorithms that led to those improvements. |
To be a useful as a web language, Rust needs to work well with the JavaScript ecosystem. |
Axel weighs the pros and cons of three web development dialects: JavaScript, TypeScript and ReasonML. |
In this TED talk, Nicolas walks us through the meaning of complexity, with many insights that can be directly applied to the code we write. “Animal behavior isn’t complicated, but it is complex. Nicolas Perony studies how individual animals – be they Scottish Terriers, bats or meerkats – follow simple rules that, collectively, create larger patterns of behavior. And how this complexity born of simplicity can help them adapt to new circumstances, as they arise.” |
The concept of margin collapse is foundational to an understanding of the box model in CSS, but it is actually quite complex and potentially confusing — says Jonathan, before diving in to demystify the topic. |
Design exercises are pretty bad. Matthew has some interesting ideas about making them worse. |
“A short thread about some of the unusual things I learned about customers behavior in eCommerce recently.” |
React is deprecating its componentWillMount , componentWillReceiveProps and componentWillUpdate lifecycle hooks. They’re also introducing a static getDerivedStateFromProps lifecycle method that may return an state update when props change. |
Most of the pages on use server-side rendering, with only a few unique exceptions. Alex discusses the reasons behind this architecture and the trade-offs between SSR and client-side rendering. |
A quick breakdown of the JavaScript modules Travis finds the most useful. |
Nolan explains how to optimize your Webpack bundles to only include the bits and pieces of lodash that you’re actually using, thanks to lodash-webpack-plugin . |
Arfat lists a few React anti-patterns, explaining the problems that arise when following them and what to do instead. |