V8 v6.9 includes Liftoff, a new baseline compiler for WebAssembly. Liftoff is now enabled by default on desktop systems. Clements details the motivation to add another compilation tier and describes the implementation and performance of Liftoff. | |
Functions 2018 is a community focused, single track, one day conference that moves away from the hype and focuses on the reality of serverless based solutions. It’s about fostering a community locally and helping all of us learn from each other as we embrace a new way of building applications. | |
Benedikt and Mathias talk about key fundamentals that are common to all JavaScript engines. |
A new Chrome feature dubbed “Blink LazyLoad” is designed to dramatically improve performance by deferring the load of below-the-fold images and third party iframe s. |
The team at Zeit describes how they’ve achieved near-instant cold boots, predictable horizontal scalability, tunable resources, and limits. |
Kunal shows how to build a basic Node.js TCP server, along with a client to test the server, while also relying on pm2 , nginx , and Ubuntu. |
Andrej considers ML to be a paradigm shift in how we write software, as he explains at length in this article. |
Valeri demonstrates how buffers work in Node.js, and describes a neat use case for buffers with MongoDB and Mongoose. |
“It’s 2018. The web platform offers dozens of powerful, native-like APIs. What if we used this newfound power for evil? What kind of terrible UX could we create if our goal was to build the worst web page in the world?” Feross goes over how he implemented the evilest site you could possible imagine. |
Tomáš presents an alternative to react-intl . |
The Generic Sensor API aims to make device sensors easier to use and extend by providing a set of consistent APIs to access sensors. | |