Now on Amazon! Tackle two aspects of JavaScript development: modularity and ES6. With this practical guide, front-end and back-end Node.js developers alike will learn how to scale out JavaScript applications by breaking codebases into smaller modules. We’ll specifically cover features in ES6 from the vantage point of how we can leverage them to improve modularity in our programs. Learn how to manage complexity, how to drive it down, and how to write simpler code by building small modules. | |
We connect engineers with hiring managers, founders, and executives at growing technology companies in New York and San Francisco. Get your name in front of hundreds of companies with a single application. Software engineers average 5+ interview requests in their first week. Apply today! | |
Phil describes how he diagnosed and fixed a performance problem around the “First Input Delay” metric in his blog. | |
Dr. Richard Hipp — creator of SQLite — provides a great view into the history of SQLite and situations where it really shines. Particularly interesting are the last few minutes where he talks about Android, aviation regulations, and software quality at the infrastructural level. | |
Functions 2018 is a community focused, single track, one day conference that moves away from the hype and focuses on the reality of serverless based solutions. It’s about fostering a community locally and helping all of us learn from each other as we embrace a new way of building applications. | |
A cautionary tutorial about how training data sets can easily introduce human-like biases into sentiment classifiers. |
Alex explains why he became a React Native advocate and introduces us to the technology by illustrating four use cases. |
How do you kill rogue processes? An interesting and amusing read. |
Cloudflare announced support for encrypted SNI, an extension to the TLS 1.3 protocol that improves privacy of Internet users. |
Jeff asks: what defines value? |
“GraphQL is a query language and runtime that we can use to build and expose APIs as a strongly-typed schema instead of hundreds of REST endpoints. Your clients see the schema. They write a query for what they want. They send it over and get back exactly the data they asked for and nothing more.” |
CONNECT.TECH is the fastest growing web/mobile dev conference in the US — 3 days, 1200+ attendees, 2 keynotes, 120+ sessions, 12 full-day workshops, 12 tracks and 2 after parties! |