Lin gives a deep-dive into the origins of WebAssembly, its current status, and where this exciting technology is going. | |
Simon discusses JavaScript Array#sort internals in various engines and particularly in V8. |
Xiao shares his team’s experiences while moving to a microservice-based architecture at Medium, best practices and thought processes along the way. Great read! |
Hash functions are one of the building blocks behind robust solutions to solve architectural problems every developer will encounter in their career, like how to securely store passwords or how to distribute work across many servers. | |
János goes over a couple of git commit --amend , git revert and git reset stories. |
GraphQL was a complete game changer to the way PayPal used to build web apps. |
If you’re not already using npm link , you’d probably benefit from doing so. Franziska teaches you how. | |
What’s your favorite view rendering framework? A strategy meant to result in designs that reduce your product’s cognitive strain on its users by always keeping the context for a user’s action on the screen. |
Albino discusses the importance of evolving from a model of handing over design specs to developers for implementation, into a model where developers get to use a framework that adheres to the design principles the specs were designed for, reducing room for error in the transmission of these design ideas into the “finished” product. |