Hooks let you use state and other React features without writing a class. You can also build your own Hooks to share reusable stateful logic between components. Learn more |
Wallaby.js is an extension for popular editors that provides continuous execution of your unit tests, immediately displaying results next to your code. Complex values can be explored in real-time using Wallaby’s easy-to-navigate tree view. | |
Eric analyzes the value of using TypeScript to build large scale applications. |
Shawn makes a useTimeTravel React hook to create UI experiences with codified undo and redo actions. |
A walkthrough on how the Shape Detection API allows for faces, barcodes, and text to be detected in images. |
There are many articles about being an effective remote worker. Most of them focus on the basics. What comes next? |
Julia talks about the good parts of working remote, sharing tips on how to develop your career as a distributed worker, how to stay healthy while doing so, and how to lead. |
Learn how SRE folks spend time on technical and process-oriented responsibilities and how they do more than operations or system administration teams. |
MySpace inspired a generation of teenagers to learn how to code. We have Dark Mode now, but where did all the glitter go? | |
All major web browsers now support WebAssembly. How fast is it? According to one paper, it’s bad: 50% slower than native for Firefox, and as slow as 89% slower than native for Chrome. |
A weekly e-mail that condenses last week’s security news into 10 or so items worth knowing about. It is designed to keep you up-to-date with minimal effort, and also has an RSS feed. |
Discover the backstory of how HTTP/3 works on top of the QUIC transport. |
A beginner’s guide to using worker_threads in Node. |