“Open source projects like React, GraphQL and Relay are powering more and more Facebook services. In this session, we’ll discuss how we use the latest features of these technologies, like React Suspense, to help deliver a high quality, modern web experience at Facebook.” |
“Kubernetes afforded us an opportunity to drive Tinder Engineering toward containerization and low-touch operation through immutable deployment. Application build, deployment, and infrastructure would be defined as code.” |
A beautiful 3D animation made purely with CSS. |
Silvestar takes a deep look at how we can create a row of links that run into each other with a chevron-like shape and notch on each block like you might see in your typical hierarchical breadcrumb navigation. | |
The globalThis proposal introduces a unified mechanism to access the global this in any JavaScript environment. It sounds like a simple thing to polyfill, but it turns out it’s pretty hard to get right! |
Many performance optimizations can be made when we can predict what users might do before they actually do it. Resource Hints are a simple but effective way that web developers can help the browser to stay one step ahead of the user and keep pages fast. |
A React component goes through different phases as it lives in an application, though it might not be evident that anything is happening behind the scenes. |