Using const only means that the variable will always have a reference to the same object or primitive value, because that reference can’t change. |
Julia walks us through how neural networks can be used to create tools where a painting style is applied to arbitrary photographs using a style transfer technique. |
Wallaby.js provides instant feedback from your tests and realtime code coverage right in your editor, no more context switching. Now with test analytics and coverage reports. | |
Sandi argues that you should prefer duplication over the wrong abstraction. A must read! |
Uncover how to think deeply about new ES6 JavaScript features like arrow functions, destructuring, generators, classes and computed properties with Kyle Simpson of the “You Don’t Know JS” book series! | |
Tara looks back at her team’s predictions for JavaScript in 2016, and then ahead at what we might expect for the language in 2017. |
Scott uses a sensationalist title and then introduces us to SameSite cookies, a simple mitigation for CSRF attacks. |
Foreign fetch is basically ServiceWorker for third party websites. Third-party services can deploy their own network request handlers. |
There’s a proposal for adding a new <h> element to the HTML spec, but can we solve the problem in a way that benefits the existing web? |
Over the last couple of months the V8 team focused on bringing the performance of newly added ES2015+ features on par with their transpiled ES5 counterparts. |
Sanjay explains how browser rendering works and how to improve performance when armed with that knowledge. |
With HTTP/2 in every browser, load balancing with automatic failover, IPv6, a sorry page, separate blog server, HTML5 SSE and A+ HTTPS. |
DevTools has a new feature where it can pause when the application is close to running out of memory. V8 gets a cleaned up garbage collector, which allows for larger heap sizes. | |
Pascal dishes out tips and tricks to make your Angular blazingly fast. |
Ryan dives into Twitter’s codebase using Redux Dev Tools and makes a few interesting finds. |