Tips on how to improve the accessibility of your JavaScript components and provide users with more ways to interact with your site. |
Nolan hits the nail in the head talking about how it feels to participate in the OSS community in its current state. Make sure to also read the response that Jan Lehnardt wrote. | |
Wallaby.js provides instant feedback from your tests and realtime code coverage right in your editor, no more context switching. Now with test analytics and coverage reports. | |
Create animation magic using keyframes, animation properties like timing, delay, play state, animation-count , iteration count, direction, fill mode and will-change . |
A guide to building UI with pure functions and function composition in React. |
“Writing truly concurrent code is occasionally not possible, or easy, with pure async /await ”, Daniel argues. |
We help companies like Airbnb, Pfizer, and Artsy find great developers. Let us find your next great hire. Get started today. |
Benedikt talks about TurboFan, performance optimization, and dives deep into why arguments was such a de-optimization factor in Crankshaft. | |
Babel 7 is out with a few rather minor breaking changes. It is recommended to use babel-preset-env instead of babel-preset-es2015 and friends, so that you decide which features to transpile based on browser support instead of based on feature sets alone. |
Valeri introduces us to WebAssembly in Node.js in a straightforward article. |
Webpack is a powerful tool that bundles your app source code efficiently and loads that code from a server into a browser. Joseph tells us all about it. |
David worked on a handful of decent-sized React projects, and many, many pint-sized ones. Throughout his journey, he’s identified a bunch of repeating patterns. He lays them out in this blog post. |
Kanav dives deep into how story of how UrbanClap reduced 3G load time on their website — from 13+ seconds to less than 5 seconds! |
“In 2017, if you aren’t taking advantage of Service Workers, you’re leaving performance wins for returning users on the table.” |
“A number of prominent web folks have been asking for “container queries.” I think they’re right to do so.” argues Ethan (author, “Responsive Web Design”, 2011). |