
Net Neutrality, Clean Code, Prepack, dat, pkg and infinite state composition! 🌏

Pony Foo Weekly

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Below, you can find the Pony Foo Weekly newsletter issue #62

Net Neutrality, Clean Code, Prepack, dat, pkg and infinite state composition! 🌏

. It was sent to our subscribers .

Net Neutrality Needs Our Help! 🌏

Equal access to online information is under serious threat, with the FCC chair looking to roll back the vote made 2 years ago.

Visit gofccyourself.com and leave your comments* with the FCC before the May 18th vote. It’ll only take a minute to convey your support for Net Neutrality.

*: It doesn’t matter if you’re a US resident or not! Just check ✅ “International” below your address.

Curiosity Avenue 🛣

JavaScript Patterns 🐾

Open-Source World 🚪

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