Paul explains how brains perceive time, in a very interesting article in favor of improving perceived performance — even if it’s to the detriment of real performance. “If you could take a 50% hit in real world performance and get a site that feels 50% faster, would you?” |
Launch Node.js microservices with a single click. Build, deploy and scale ES6 microservices for HTTP Data Processing. Serverless architecture with a free monthly allocation. | |
“Venture deep into the belly of the browser to uncover the secret incantations to instantly load anything.” |
Phil tries to answer the important questions in life: “how fast is my app?” what exactly do we mean when we say fast? in what context? and fast for whom?" |
Wallaby.js provides instant feedback from your tests and realtime code coverage right in your editor, no more context switching. Now with test analytics and coverage reports. | |
One of the challenges facing TC39 is that — along with the community interest in JavaScript — it has grown in size substantially. |
Learn React and build a complete web application. Start with the simplest possible architecture and build up the app, feature by feature. Test your skills with code challenges in Codepen as you go along! | |
Alexandre shows off Mapbox and its WebGL interface, which is smoother and able to render 3D buildings. Well, except for the London Eye! |
Una argues that dynamic CSS variables are so much better than what we’ve had before. |
Are you a curious mind? Full Stack Fest is a week-long conference based in the amazing city of Barcelona that peeks into the web of tomorrow. Serverless, Blockchain, WebVR, Distributed Web, Progressive Web Apps… Come and see! Early bird tickets available with a 10% off when entering the PONYFOO discount code. | |
Tom helps us make sense of the rapidly changing React best practice of creating Higher Order Components. |
We are looking for a passionate Senior Frontend Engineer, fluent in RoR and interested in React/Redux to join our Team in Berlin, Germany. Interested? Take a look! |
James explores an alternative way of doing route matching. | |
Peggy switched to React Apollo and eliminated a lot of complexity from their application in the process. |
Our 50+ page eBooks covers everything you need to know to start your WordPress maintenance business. |
A step by step guide to Webpack. Jeremias takes you from an empty configuration file to a simple but complete setup to bundle a project. |
Feras introduces us to Fusebox, a lightweight module bundler that serves as a fast, simple and flexible Webpack alternative. |