Jakob and Yang discuss the regular expression features of the future which landed behind the experimental JavaScript flag on Chrome. You can read a similar article on Pony Foo. |
Are you a curious mind? Full Stack Fest is a week-long conference based in the amazing city of Barcelona that peeks into the web of tomorrow. Serverless, Blockchain, WebVR, Distributed Web, Progressive Web Apps… Come and see! Early bird tickets available with a 10% off when entering the PONYFOO discount code. | |
Reddit picked TypeScript over the competition. They narrowed their choices down with requirements like: typed, robust tooling, production-ready, libraries, universal rendering, and quick onboarding. |
Ian walks you through setting up Rust, WebAssembly, and Webpack to interoperate between low-level Rust code and JavaScript in the browser. |
In addition to the realtime code coverage and other tactical level features provided by Wallaby.js, Wallaby App provides strategic level features, such as coverage reports and the realtime bird’s eye view of your project’s tests connected to your editor. | |
ES2015 introduced collections into JavaScript, and Benedikt talks about how their performance has improved recently in Chrome. |
Yasser figures out what to do with a Raspberry Pi: put Electron on it! |
Dapulse is the next generation of visual tools, built specifically for designers and developers. See what everyone on your team is working on in a single glance. |
An in-depth introduction to Reason, OCaml, and the official React bindings, aimed at JavaScript developers. |
Alex takes a highly compressed line of code that renders a ray tracer using 128 characters of JavaScript and decodes it to see how it actually works. |
Susie and Sam collaborated on a tool to diagnose code duplication in Webpack-generated chunks. | |
Look into how you can cache some resources using a Service Worker. |