There’s a proposal in stage 1 for the Null Propagation operator. This article takes a look at the proposal, which offers an alternative to ad nauseum null checks. |
Get multi-repo support, Kanban boards, dependencies, saved issue filters, and drag and drop on top of GitHub issues. | |
Henry compiled a summary of what happened at the latest TC39 meeting last month. Here are the most interesting bits: - New
throw expressions proposal where throw can also be used in expression context, while existing throw statements go unaffected by this change - Optional catch binding –
catch blocks without a required error variable binding – is new but already in stage 3 - No changes in decorators and null propagation, they still need some more work.
Val shows off a few ways of using CSS variables when creating animations in CSS. |
Manifold gives you the freedom to easily add and manage logging, monitoring or any of our other cloud services under one account. Sign up today. | |
My new book on ES6 and the future of JavaScript is out on Amazon! . We’ll discuss upcoming proposals and everything you’ll need to use modern JavaScript in the real world. Get the most out of modern JavaScript, learn the latest features of its parent specification! Can’t afford it? No worries. The book is completely free to read online under HTML format and under AsciiDoc format! | |
Ben has a few recommendations for things JavaScript developers should learn, all the way from core plain JavaScript concerns to modern constructs like async / await , performance, and HTTP networking. |
Ben gives us a tour of how we can use resource priorities to improve speed of delivery for our web apps. |
The feature allows to update individual snapshots, without affecting other snapshots, right from the context of the specific failing test; immediately see the failing tests right in the editor; have instant feedback without even having to save the file. | |
Coding as a non-English speaker, or what Excel, Illustrator, and functional programming can teach us about names. |
A quick and helpful guide for newcomers that want to start contributing to the Node.js project. |
First, learn React. Then, consider Redux. |
Ismael takes you through your first steps in setting up Elasticsearch. A great way to get started implementing search for your applications. |