Heaps of artistic demos created for the web. A wonderful source of inspiration that’s guaranteed to awe the senses. | |
A library to capture canvas-based animations at a fixed framerate. Helpful when you’re trying to record videos of <canvas> animations but are running into jank and chunking issues. Even if you’re not interested in recording <canvas> animations as videos, this is a cool hack that’s bound to inspire you! The GIF recorder in promisees could definitely take advantage of ccapture ! | |
I’ve always been fond of marketing (and an all-around curious individual!), so this article helped gain insight into how marketers feel about us engineering types. |
Swizec walks us through baking a pie chart using React and d3. |
Dudley discusses creating beautiful controls using <svg> . He even includes a section on how to animate them to gracefully change state, making them more appealing to the user. |
An interesting technique that can help with customer service while improving user experience over time. |
Axel walks you through how to gain insight into promise rejections that would otherwise go silently unhandled. You can do so listening for the unhandledRejection event on process in Node.js, and the unhandledrejection event in the browser. |
Sean walks us through a different perspective when it comes to JavaScript developer tooling and complexity. A recommended read! He argues that most developer tooling being touted as the best in class by huge companies like Facebook and Google are most useful at companies that have to manage tremendous levels of complexity – something most of us won’t ever even come close to. | |
A worthwhile read! Ariya discusses naming API endpoints while programming components, and the importance of avoiding double negatives such as hidden: false . |
An old (2012) but still interesting and amusing read about one of those dark corners of the JavaScript language. Axel explains the difference between 0 and -0 in JavaScript, shares a few caveats, and helps us understand how to operate and differentiate between the two. |