Welcome to our ninth anniversary! That’s nine full weeks. Okay, it’s not that long. Go on read your links, then. If you have any tips, feel free to email us at tips@ponyfoo.com – or just reply to this email. You can leave comments on the website. |
WebWorkers have been very useful for performing computation-intensive tasks in parallel, preventing browser lockup. Recently a new beast has appeared: the ServiceWorker. Most examples show this technology used to provide powerful offline and caching. While Nolan explains how WebWorkers can help improve performance, Gleb will show how to use ServiceWorker to make your childhood dreams come true. | |
There is no shortage of in-depth insight into how you can leverage ServiceWorker . I sure wrote a bunch of them! Remy takes a different approach in his article, in an attempt to strip the concepts down to a simple copy & paste guide that will work for most situations. You can add a few tweaks afterwards! I’m more of a “understand first, do later” mindset, but this still has its merits. If anything, it should spark your curiosity! |
Worth keeping an eye out for Safari. It seems to be gaining momentum! Jonathan from WebKit again. This time he writes about other web features – besides CSS variables – such as will-change , the <picture> element, gestures, the dreadful 350ms tap delay in iOS, and a lot more. |
You Gotta Love Frontend is a community event made by developers, for developers. The 2 day conference will take place in Tel Aviv, on June 27-28. This year, YGLF is bringing in internationally recognized speakers such as Lea Verou, Christian Heilmann, Vitaly Friedman, Bruce Lawson, and more. Buy tickets now! | |
Davide walks us through building responsive tables using a myriad of different techniques and presenting several examples. Don’t just scroll through. Dig into your developer tools console and snoop around his CSS! |
Paul goes over CSS flexbox and teaches us how to use it to come up with layouts without all the effort of using floats, block , and inline-block . |
Rachel goes over the state of the union for all things Web Animation. She remarks the prominence of SVG, the decay of SMIL, what features are being added, and why Web Animation is so important to the web today. |
Vitaly put together an article discussing heaps of dirty little front-end hacks you can pull that may save you from a day of staring at your codebase looking embarrassed. Worth flipping through the slides! |
Safari is getting CSS variables. You can learn more about them in the announcement. They’re something we’ve been using in pre-processor land with tools like LESS, SASS, and Stylus, and they’re slowly becoming a native CSS concept as well. Must read! Dip your toes at the shore of CSS variables. |
I initially found this article through WPO Stats – make sure to take a look, they curate an amazing list of articles. Instagram engineers Clark and Linji walk you through an experiment they ran in their API’s design that lead to significant performance improvements. An inspiring story. Is there somewhere you can cut data you’re not consuming from your API responses? |
An interesting article explaining how and why Netflix has to extract metadata from images, and how they can accomplish that at scale. |
We already have caniuse.com for browsers and @kangax’s compatibility tables for ES6. William has recently put together a compatibility table for Node.js versions and ES6. It’s pretty handy – it makes it very easy to learn what ES6 features are supported in your Node.js apps. | |
FT Labs developed a web performance widget where they can track performance, security, and accessibility metrics from a widget embedded on their site through a Chrome extension. In this article they go through the motions and explain how the widget came to live, why they built it, and – perhaps more interestingly – how they did it. |
James takes you through a small compiler that only handles a a couple of instructions, but that’s still enough that he can show us the different stages of a modern compiler – such as parsing, transformation, and code generation – and carefully explain how each stage can feed information to the next. |
James, one of Babel’s most prominent contributors, has come up with a pretty amazing way of displaying code in presentations. It includes support for displaying chunks of code, notes, and titles. Might come in handy! | |