
  1. ServiceWorker and Progressive Networking

    I’ve been toying with ServiceWorker for a while. The single most complicated issue when it comes to ServiceWorker has been dealing with caching in a …

    9m 6
  2. Subscribing to Pony Foo

    There’s a few different ways you can subscribe to read Pony Foo. What’s your favorite?

    Almost since day one you could follow Pony Foo using the RSS feed. …

    3m 6
  3. ServiceWorker: Revolution of the Web Platform

    While not the most amusingly named feature of the web platform, everything seems to point at ServiceWorker being the most significant addition to the web platform since …

    19m 14
  4. ES6 Overview in 350 Bullet Points

    My ES6 in Depth series consists of 24 articles covering most syntax changes and features coming in ES6. This article aims to summarize all of those, providing you with …

    37m 28
  5. Securing Your Web App in 3 Easy Steps

    I’ve recently upgraded Pony Foo to use the https protocol, something I’ve been meaning to do for a while. It’s super easy to do so, and …

    6m 4
  6. Keeping Your npm Dependencies Immutable

    I’ve been bitten a few times by dependencies using semver ranges such as ^1.0.1 where the dependency introduced a “non-breaking” change that ended …

    7m 5
  7. Inlining Critical CSS for Dynamic Web Apps

    During the redesign I was faced with a problem and I had to rethink the way I inline CSS in my blog, so I figured it’d be a good time to write about it in more …

    12m 10
  8. Using the JavaScript Charting Library

    I’ve been asked to review the JSCharting enterprise charting library, and given that I’ve recently dabbled in visualizations I felt like this was a great …

    29m 1